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Gold & Silver Sebright

Sebright’s wonderful gold or silver laced markings make the breed a popular ornamental show bantam. They are happy inquisitive birds and they do well in mixed flocks. They like to forage but will also tolerate confinement. The bird can fly so they need to be contained.
It is difficult to breed; 200 years of inbreeding from a very limited gene pool means fertility is not good, chicks are delicate for the first few weeks and mortality rates can be high.
Sir John Sebright wanted to develop a laced bantam and succeeded over 200 years ago.
It is recorded that he made Golds first, starting with a Nankin, a small henny feathered pit game cock and a small hen resembling a gold spangled Hamburgh which 200 years ago usually had half- moon spangles rather the round spangles of today.
He made Silvers later, initially by crossing prototype Golds with a White Rosecomb bantam cock he bought from London Zoo.
The breed is a true bantam, there is no counterpart in large breeds.
The breed has an upright and alert carriage with rounded breast carried forward and downward- pointing wings.
Sebrights have a rose comb and the legs are blue.
The UK Sebright Club only recognises the Gold and Silver varieties but other combinations of lacing are allowed in some European countries.
This bird is not kept for its egg laying. Depending on the strain it lays 50-80 small white eggs per year.
Did you know?
Sebrights males are 'hen feathered'. This means that unlike in most breeds males shouldn’t have a curved or sickle tail but should have the same feathering as hens.
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